Credit Tip of The Week

Work on your emotional response to debt and money in general.  Most of us carry a lot of emotional baggage with us when it comes to money.  We see money as a measuring stick for success, or we see money as a way of making ourselves feel better, and these attitudes lead us to much of our financial and credit problems. 

If we rely on money to make us feel successful, then we are apt to overspend.  If we fear money - or the lack of it - we are unlikely to save it or make investments with it.  We need to be aware of the ways we respond to money and the ways that those responses shape the ways we deal with money. 

Some financial experts recommend that clients keep money journals, in which they record their money hopes, their money fears, and their responses to spending and money.   A money journal can help you by showing you how you feel about spending and about money.  If you can isolate the emotions that influence how you spend money and how you make your money decisions, you will be well on your way towards fixing your financial problems.     

Meaning Of Credit Score

Representing an estimate of a person’s credit report appraisal value as calculated by a statistical model is referred to as credit score meaning. It attempts to measure the comparison of a potential borrower who fails meeting the deadline in payment or following other satisfactory responsibilities.  In other words this is what lenders and creditors use to determine whether or not you are willing to repay your debts.

The credit score meaning is basically grounded on the information in a person’s statement of account. It is where institutions who allow loans get the factors in denying or approving the application. It's also where they use to manage the risk in their service. In determining a loan, they consider likes of assigning an interest rate, organizing open bills and tasking appraisal limits.

Use of credit score meaning is prior to the authorizing admission or granting appraisal is an execution of a trusted system. In engineering, it is where you are left with no other options but just that. In financing especially in the United States, the most trusted is FICO, acronym for Fair Isaac Corporation which is the brain- child behind such software applied since the 1960’s. There are also others including NextGen and Vantage but the three major reporting agencies, Equifax, TransUnion and Experian, have been adopting it for several years.

FICO credit score meaning ranges from about 350 to 850. It is deemed extremely high risk at 350 and tremendously low hazard at 850.  Having 850 is the top possible but according to Craig Watts, consumer affairs manager of Fair Isaac Corporation, there is no need to aim for such. He added that it is unrealistic for anything better than the middle of 700’s is already fine and it is where the best interest rates will be knocking right into your doorstep. The range between 720 to 725 is where the median score usually falls. It indicates that half are higher than the point and the other half are below.
If you are eager to know where you exactly stand, you can visit one of many websites like or and others to get your scores.  The report contains your FICO score with its appropriate explanation of the codes that show your weakness and several advices in improving your status. If you are in the process of purchasing a home or refinancing a mortgage loan, you can always obtain a copy of your credit report from your loan officer.  

For more information on credit repair please visit our website